Update: West Craft Fest, December 2024
On Wednesday, December 11, 2024, an individual sent messages to us, the Rotunda, and Penn, which stated their objection to pro-Palestinian artists and their politically-oriented artwork being included at December 14+15's Fest, specifically singling out a few pro-Palestinian vendors. Penn's response to us was to demand a written agreement from all vendors that they would censor their artwork, and to require those singled out to omit certain images from their exhibits.
This was deeply disturbing to us. After much public and private discussion with vendors and concerned community members, we made the decision that although many vendors had been counting on this event for significant holiday sales, unfortunately the only possible option is to stop hosting events on Penn property. We cannot proceed in good conscience to work with an institution that would so openly censor free artistic expression; nor could we guarantee, after so much public outcry, the safety of anyone in attendance.
We apologize for the disappointment, to both vendors and shoppers, as this has always been a cherished annual event for us and so many others, for over a decade -- though never again at any Penn property.
Find a limited number of Fest vendors at Black Hound Clay Studio (715 South 50th Street, Philadelphia), and a few other spots near 50th & Baltimore (TBD), this Saturday and Sunday December 14 and 15, 10 to 4.
Wishing everyone everywhere a peaceful holiday season,
Emily and Wilder, West Craft Fest co-organizers